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Thursday, 12 December 2013

7th Day of Apps

On the 7th Day of Apps, I'm starting to wonder "who thought this was a good IDEA". Oh yeah, that was ME!!!!

So here we go on the 7th day of Apps my true love gave to me.

Panther Math Paper for $19.99 (a big splurge)....
This app is fantastic for students with motor disabilities.  This app would also be excellent for any student who could benefit from using UDL principles.

Description from

Now you can do math without holding a pencil. We've integrated the principle of Universal Design into an elegant interface that allows people to work independently on "digital paper". Math Paper offers the foundations to learn simple arithmetic, and the power to do complicated equations. Do whatever problems you want. Or choose from hundreds that come with the app. 

Here is a link to a video from vimeo on the Panther Math Paper App...

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The 6th day of Apps

We are half way through the 12 days of Apps....

So here we go with #6. 
QR codes

There are a variety of QR apps that you can use.  I use I-nigma or QR Reader for iPad either are excellent.

QR (Codes Quick Response) are so fun to integrate into the classroom. Quick Response codes are bar codes with information. QR Codes can include contact information, websites, text, SMS, pictures and so much more. 
Students enjoy using QR codes in their activities.
QR Codes are so easy to create.  QR Stuff is the easiest site to use to create codes… In 3 steps and voila and you are done. Download your code and insert it into any document or presentation. The best thing about using and creating QR codes is that it is all free. Students must have access to either of these devices a smart phone, iPad, or iPod download a bar code scanner to access codes. 
Check out these websites for ways in which you can use QR codes in your classroom.
How to use QR codes in your classroom-
5 Real ways to use QR codes in Education-
Check out ScoopIt! it has some great links on how to use QR codes in your classroom.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

On the 5th Day of Apps

My true love gave to me....A great app for Teachers...


Description from the itunes store....

Remind101 provides a safe way for teachers to text message students and stay in touch with parents. It is 100% free and is used by over 500,000 teachers, students and parents to send millions of messages every month.
* A teacher communication tool that allows you to message your entire class of students and improve parent involvement.
* Teachers never see students' phone numbers. Students never see theirs.
* Students and parents join by sending a text message. No computer needed.
* As a safety precaution, only one-way messaging is permitted, allowing teachers to send updates and reminders without having to worry about managing another inbox.
* Great for parent teacher communication: improve parental engagement at the primary school, elementary school, high school or college level.
* Inclusive classroom communication: students and parents who cannot receive text message notifications may opt in to receive their teachers messages via email.
* Have an upcoming test or quiz? Schedule text messages to be sent later.
* As safe and easy as teacher student communication could be!

The Remind101 developers can be followed on the following social media sites.
Follow us,
Friend us,

Monday, 9 December 2013

4th Day of Apps


A great app for students who need to use a visual daily schedule. We are having great success using it in a variety of our schools for a variety of students.  This app is a little expensive at $6.99, but well worth the price.  

Here's a great description from the itunes store.

The Choiceworks app is an essential learning tool for helping children complete daily routines (morning, day, & night), understand & control their feelings and improve their waiting skills (taking turns and not interrupting). Created with the support of leading hospitals and child development specialists, this app is designed for caregivers to provide clear and consistent support to foster a child’s independence, positive behavior, and emotional regulation at home and in the community. It can also be customized for teachers in a school setting. 
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Key Features
■ Three boards: Schedule, Waiting, and Feelings
■ Three Companion Books supporting each board
■ Image Library preloaded with over 180 images and audio
■ Add your own images and record your own audio for limitless customizability
■ Easily create profiles to personalize and manage multiple users
■ Save an unlimited number of boards for multiple children or different routines
■ Speaks boards out loud with professionally recorded audio
■ Time saving essentials like search and auto-save
■ Share boards by Email or iTunes File Sharing with other Choiceworks app users
■ Ability to print boards or save as PDF

Schedule Board
The Schedule Board focuses on making task completion easier and more fun, allowing the user to select up to five steps on iPhone, seven on iPhone 5 and eight on iPad that can be easily reordered. The schedule is then paired with an all done column to check off steps toward a motivating reward. As the task image slides to the all done column, the user gets both visual and audio confirmation. Schedules can be enhanced by adding a timer. The schedules are easy to edit and fully customizable. Once you have created a schedule, it will be saved automatically.

Waiting Board
The Waiting Board is a great way to teach waiting skills like taking turns and/or not interrupting. The user can begin by reading the companion book, When Do I Have to Wait?, in order to explain to the child the reason why everyone has to wait on occasion. Using the waiting board, the top picture can be selected to indicate the reason why the child will be waiting and a timer can be set to show how long the child will be waiting. Next, both the user and the child can select an activity for the child to do while waiting.

Feelings Board
The Feelings Board provides a tool for helping children understand and express emotions. The user can begin by reading the companion book, When I Get Upset, to provide an example of how the child might recognize an emotion and choose a coping strategy. On the Feelings Board, the user can then help the child indicate how they are feeling from a range of options, select a coping strategy, and then request an activity which would likely help them feel better or re-engage with others.

Supporting multiple children is effortless with Profiles. When using profiles, the app automatically organizes boards by child and encourages independence by removing the distraction of other children's boards. Personalize each profile with a name and custom photo.

Image Library
The Image Library comes preloaded with over 180 of Bee Visual’s most commonly used images, each with professionally recorded audio. You can access the images quickly using the search feature or simply by scrolling through the images. Users can add to the Image Library by selecting an image from their own camera roll or by taking a photo. The user can then add a caption and record the audio. The images can be defined as a Schedule Board Title, a Task or an Activity, a Waiting Board Skill or Activity, and/or a Feelings Board Activity. This allows only the images you want to use in those categories to be viewed when you are editing and customizing the boards. 
Here's a link that you may find useful when beginning to use this app. Good luck...and enjoy.